GreatEx wrote:
I agree with 2 & 3,but on 1 you're way off, it's not just about those two words, it's about the general humiliation of black people. Look at the lyrics, picture a white guy in blackface singing it in an exaggerated accent and doing silly dances and monkey gestures and the like... There is no defending the original song, but repurposing the tune is fine with me, especially since no one would remember the original if the wokelords didn't keep mentioning it.
I get where you are going with this and I'm not defending the song, but you are assuming that in 1898 they were
only taking the piss and not setting the scene as they did many times in movies, musical performances and stage productions without the intent of humiliation (obviously not all had inoffensive intent).
I'm not saying that it wasn't, but we just don't know the intent other than it was part of a musical genre at the time.
And if you remove those 2 words it's just another love song.
My point was the N word is extremely offensive, yet the rappers feel the need to not only keep the word alive but to propel a popular use of it within the wider community. Personally I can't stand hearing the word along with calling women 'b#%es and hoes', hence I don't listen to a lot of modern rap anymore. And I'm not even a woke leftist.
But to be offended by a tune from an old song that has been rewritten before it was used as a clubs theme song, just shows the level of narcism he has to try and keep himself in the spotlight.
The one thing all these 'wokeists' forget, is if everyone is always looking back to be offended by the past, they're not realising that if we 'erase' everything that's offensive now we will be doomed to make the same mistakes in the future.