Over the past months we've received a lot of feedback around the way the site is being administered, moderated, and used by all posters.
It's clear from a cross section of feedback received that one of the more significant challenges all parties face is knowing and understanding why TalkingCarlton exists, and moreover how it can continue to do so productively for all of its nearly 2,500 members. Extending from this is knowing what is, and is not, acceptable as a member of Talking Carlton.
The guidelines as they existed admittedly caused some confusion to posters and moderators alike. In an effort to address this, the Site Guidelines have been, we feel, simplified and condensed into a more concise set of Site Rules. We see these rules as the starting point for a number of positive changes suggested by members of this site.
In addition, we've hired 3 PR firms, at a cost of $150,000 each, to come up with a TalkingCarlton Mission Statement. As soon as they got back to us with their suggestions we nicked off to the Bahamas, changed our addresses and refused to pay, choosing the best of them free of charge.
Now as with any rules applied by a group of different people, there will be challenges in interpretation. Unfortunately having a single moderator, who doesn't post, looking after the site of 2,500 members 24x7 isn't feasible. We are humans, not robots, and we are not naïve enough to think that the issue of 'consistency', perceived or otherwise, is solved with a batch of revised rules.
However, we do feel that these rules better equip the team to make shades of grey a bit closer to black - or rather, navy blue - and white than the previous guidelines.
Free Speech - a hot topic over the past week - was and remains a key factor of making and keeping this site successful. 'Free speech' though does not mean open slather on your fellow posters, players, coaches or club administrators.
Finally, the feedback from a number of posters and particularly the Senior Members Group has been invaluable in helping to compile these rules. Rules, however, mean nothing if they are not enforced. Admins & Moderators can and will enforce these rules, but there's only a handful of us.
When it comes to enforcing the posting rules of TalkingCarlton, the best equipped person is the one reading this post. Think. Then Post.
Update: All forms of posting on the site (including PMs) are able to be officially reported using the report button (
) at the bottom right corner of every message.