
Houla's injury????
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Author:  BlueWorld [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 10:13 pm ]
Post subject: 

Coutts/ Pagan on 927 say Houla had a minor knock & is confident will play on Sat (sorry if that disappoints you CC). Doesn't sound as good for Callum- doubtful at this stage.

Author:  crazycahn [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:23 pm ]
Post subject: 

To be fair for a moment...

Houlihan has one of the sweetest disposals in the league. When he's lining up for goal you can bet he's gonna kick it. When he's got someone on the lead you can bet he's gonna hit the man.


For the last 3yrs he has shown no improvement in the area of aggression and his efforts in manning-up, tackling and putting in the 1%ers are pitiful and mediocre.

His little strolls across goals are also extremely frustrating.

I pose the question...
Do we want to be an elite side who can be seen as a premiership candidate?

My answer is yes, and therefore I have no time for mediocrity and Houlihan's inability to improve his weaknesses is mediocre!!!

Author:  verbs [ Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:46 pm ]
Post subject: 

crazycahn wrote:
I pose the question...
Do we want to be an elite side who can be seen as a premiership candidate?

My answer is yes, and therefore I have no time for mediocrity and Houlihan's inability to improve his weaknesses is mediocre!!!

You're sailing a pretty lonley ship from what I can gather Crazy

Author:  BlueWorld [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:14 am ]
Post subject: 

crazycahn wrote:
For the last 3yrs he has shown no improvement in the area of aggression and his efforts in manning-up, tackling and putting in the 1%ers are pitiful and mediocre.

My answer is yes, and therefore I have no time for mediocrity and Houlihan's inability to improve his weaknesses is mediocre!!!

You couldn't be more wrong there. Has improved SIGNIFICANTLY in this area. I don't think you'll find too many who'd agree with your opinion. Houla is about as far from mediocre as you can get.

Author:  bax [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 12:18 am ]
Post subject: 

crazycahn wrote:
To be fair for a moment...

Houlihan has one of the sweetest disposals in the league. When he's lining up for goal you can bet he's gonna kick it. When he's got someone on the lead you can bet he's gonna hit the man.


For the last 3yrs he has shown no improvement in the area of aggression and his efforts in manning-up, tackling and putting in the 1%ers are pitiful and mediocre.

His little strolls across goals are also extremely frustrating.

I pose the question...
Do we want to be an elite side who can be seen as a premiership candidate?

My answer is yes, and therefore I have no time for mediocrity and Houlihan's inability to improve his weaknesses is mediocre!!!

You are not serious are you?

You may need to wake up and smell the coffee in Brazil dude :twisted:

Who would you replace him with.... he is all class.

So what if he aint such a tough bastard..... not all players have to be tough to be good..... though I do recall him standing infront of a barnstorming Sav Rocca at Optus last year.... it was pretty brave stuff.....

I think most Carlton supporters and players for that matter have no time for mediocrity or stupidity...... which your post about hoops are.... :P

Author:  Mrs Caz [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:45 am ]
Post subject: 

Remember folks, attack the content of a post, not the poster.

For what it's worth, I disagree with crazy on this one. Houla has shown more toughness in recent times, but will obviously need to do it consistently for the faithful to change their opinion on his "blouseness" :P

Author:  Ponkstar [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:49 am ]
Post subject: 

Mrs Caz wrote:
Remember folks, attack the content of a post, not the poster.

For what it's worth, I disagree with crazy on this one. Houla has shown more toughness in recent times, but will obviously need to do it consistently for the faithful to change their opinion on his "blouseness" :P

I don't think he is completely over his blousiness but he is significantly better.

He had one "blousy" moment in (I think) the last quarter against the weagles hwre he shirked out of a tough marking contest, but then made up for it later when he stood his ground while Gardiner climbed him King King style to take that grab.

Author:  strangeblue [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Anyone remember him running backwards in front of a leading big-man and getting flattened last year? against Kangaroos if I recall? That seemed pretty damned tough to me...

Author:  frank dardew [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 4:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Agree Mrs Cazz

about playing the argument rather than the man but also hadnt we decided that we would clamp down also on gratuitous personal attacks on the players as well.
Not sure anyone who plays AFL football lacks courage and all players when they get to this level play through with painful injuries
Moreover why before the start of a season where we have just won Wizzer Cup would any senior player fake or put on an injury and therefore be under a cloud for the first game- doesnt make sense
keep up the good work
best regards

Author:  bluebo baggers [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 7:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

strangeblue wrote:
Anyone remember him running backwards in front of a leading big-man and getting flattened last year? against Kangaroos if I recall? That seemed pretty damned tough to me...

Was thonking of the same moment as I read this thread. Definiely not soft in my books. Perhaps as he plays along side David Teague he looks "relatively" soft. As would every other player in the comp.

Author:  camel [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 8:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

crazycahn wrote:
Do we want to be an elite side who can be seen as a premiership candidate?

My answer is yes, and therefore I have no time for mediocrity and Houlihan's inability to improve his weaknesses is mediocre!!!

That is complete rubbish. Houlihan is most definitely in our best 18. Full stop. Further, I believe that he has the qualities to make a very valuable contribution to a side that hopes to be capable of winning a flag.

Hoops is never going to be as reckless as a Teague or a Hickmott, but those guys couldn't hope to match the creative flair that Houla shows us every week. Ryan has a role to play at our footy club and I'm very happy to see him lining up for us on game day.

Author:  AGRO [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Considering our Drafting Record in the 90's - I think we should be thankful that a 70+ pick like Ryan Houlihan is making a significant contribution to the club.

Author:  lucablue [ Wed Mar 23, 2005 11:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm so disappointed in myself for responding to such rediculous posting re: Houla's courage, BUT here goes.
Houlas hardness over the last 12 months has improved 200%, several acts of bravery & hard tackles spring to mind from the recent Wizard Cup series. Improvements in this part of his game have not surprisingly been accompanied by his improving body strength. For someone so slight in the beginnings of his career, he has obviously worked extremely hard to get his body where it is today. It is a shame there is still the odd ignorant
%$#* who lacks the ability to appreciate such efforts.

But your logic astounds me crazycahn - lets just say your're right & he still lacks courage to play AFL footy - given his ball-getting ability & silky smooth skills, who would u prefer pagan delisted last year - ? hard-nut hulme who gave it up to the opposition with frightening regularity, or Houla?

Author:  Wojee [ Thu Mar 24, 2005 11:01 am ]
Post subject: 

Hopefully Houla will be right to play. He's one of the few players on our list who always seems to have plenty of time when he gets the ball (Thornton is another) and 95% of the time his disposal is spot-on. He also displays ballhandling skill that sometimes is more reminiscent of a globe-trotter than an Aussie rules player using an oval ball.
He might not be the hardest or bravest player in the team, but he does stand up and take his knocks more often than not. ie Rocca into his back at full pace.

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